Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hello World,
OMG life has been a barrel of fun lately....not really but let's concentrate on the positive!! I just listed my first industrial pipe vintage crystal chandelier. This piece starts a new line "Chandeliers" are pictures of the chandelier and more pictures. Etsy only gives you a chance to post five pics and to me that just isn't enough!

I hope you like it...I am a very proud Mama, I hand-picked those vintage/antique crystals and they are just beautiful. The vintage crystals are just special to me because they have a mysterious past...and they are lovely. Always love to upcycle when I can. Hope everyone is having a great pre-holiday season. Thanksgiving is almost here, don't forget to give some thought and thanks for all of the wonderful things that God has provided. Talk to ya soon!!
By Christy Calhoun